About Me

I’m Zaidha Roscoe and I am a personal and business coach working with people who want to empower themselves to step up and get the most out of their one precious life. I have always loved people; I believe each individual person is infinitely special and holds so much potential and I am passionate about helping people to discover and grow into a life that is uniquely right for them. All coaching is fully bespoke and session are adaptable to how each individual works best be that in person, online via zoom or, for those who think better in the fresh air, outdoors! I am based at the beautiful Cedar Farm in Mawdesley, Lancashire but thanks to modern technology I can work with clients based anywhere!
To tell you a little about myself, the majority of my career has been spent developing and running my family’s independent fashion retail business. Both the business and I were born at around the same time and looking back now I can see how really we grew up and developed together until we were both old enough to run with each other. I am always grateful for both the opportunities and the immense learning and insight into both business and people my 18years there gave me. However as much as I Ioved the business I realised I loved it like it was a parent or sibling, it had always been a part of me, but I didn’t feel passionate about it and speaking metaphorically I certainly did not want to marry it! I needed to find my own great love and build a life and career that felt right for me, no matter how foolish starting all over again might look to somebody else!
I had suffered with health problems from childhood and in 2014 things really took a nosedive and my immune system finally crashed. For the first time I had to slow down long enough to really think about and evaluate what I wanted for my life and from my life. What did I feel passionate about? What made me come alive? Whilst I had only one goal in my head – to get well, I suddenly had many hours to spend working out what it was I actually wanted to get well for. I had always been a forward thinking and forward moving person, I had read every book and employed every tool I knew in my own self-development and if there were two things I knew I had plenty of, they were enthusiasm and encouragement. I knew deep down what I really wanted to do was to be able to work with and make a difference to the lives of other people, I knew I wanted to retrain as a coach. To summarise a long health journey into a few words it turned out I had been suffering from Lyme Disease for nearly 3 decades. It took 6 year of rebuilding and healing to finally get the all clear - 9 weeks to the day before Covid locked us down!
But my mind was made up and knowing where I was now going my aim was to get the business to a safe place to be handed into the care of those taking it forward.
I have since trained and qualified in Business and Personal Coaching with industry leaders Barefoot Coaching and I am working towards my Post Graduate Certificate in Business and Personal Coaching with the University of Chester.
I am registered with the International Coaching Federation and adhere to their industry standards and am working towards my next level of accreditation with them.

I believe as a coach it’s important to constantly build on my learning and expand on my knowledge in order to be able to deliver the very best service possible to my clients. I work with my own coach and with a coaching supervision group and am fully insured.
When I’m not busy coaching you will mostly find me climbing mountains, swimming in lakes and spending time with the people I love eating delicious food, cozying in front of a fire or, if it’s a Saturday, cheering and shouting from the stands of Blackpool F.C.!
I truly love what I do, through my own journey I have learnt that anything is possible, and I believe that anything is possible for you too.
Contact me for a free half hour discovery call and we can discuss how coaching could work for you!