Business Coaching

As a coach I believe we can only ever truly coach the whole person making it virtually impossible to separate personal and business coaching completely. All coaching is bespoke, personally tailored to you as an individual and your specific needs and situation. I recognize that each client will be coming to me from a unique starting point and your coaching sessions can focus on just one area or encompass several as we progress.
For Business Owners & Leaders
“50 – 70% of how employees perceive their organization’s climate can be traced to the actions of one person: the leader.” Daniel Goleman
Having spent 18 years running an independent business I understand only too well the variety of challenges business both large and small face. It is not easy being the person responsible for holding all the pieces together or as I call it being ‘The Thread Carrier’ and we can all too easily feel overwhelmed and unable to see the wood for the trees. Coaching can enable you to take a step back and really consider where you are with your business, where you want to go and help you identify and put in place the right steps to get you there. Empowering yourself to empower others and lead your business with honesty and integrity creates a positive and productive environment in which both yourself and your team can excel and grow.
Do you want to
Rediscover your passion and excitement for your business
Develop your business ethos and values
Expand and grow your business and take on new challenges
Achieve a work life balance that fulfills you without depleting you.
Understand and effectively utilize your own unique strengths and talents
Examine and improve your leadership style
Identify and overcome any obstacles
Recognize and address limiting beliefs and behaviours
Increase confidence and resilience
Contact me for a free half hour discovery call and we can discuss how coaching could work for you and your business.
For Your Team
Transformation of a company starts with transformation of the individual and creating an environment in which people can flourish, grow and shine. A business’ greatest asset is its people and whether you have just one or several hundred members of your team coaching is an investment that is broad reaching, not only supporting and developing each individuals' unique talents and strengths within their working environment but supporting their overall wellbeing on both a professional and personal level.
Do you want to offer your team
Support to thrive and develop in their current roles
Support during periods of transition such as promotion, restructure or a new role
Discovery of their unique strengths and talents and how they can best be utilized
Greater confidence and resilience
Help to understand and address limiting beliefs and behaviours
The ability to identify and overcome obstacles
Contact me for a free half hour discovery call and we can discuss how coaching could work for you and your business.