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The Power Of A Little (or why I called my business A Little Light Shine Coaching - Part 1)


There is a lot to be said for the power of a little.

When I first started telling people that I was naming my coaching business A Little Light Shine Coaching I was met with mixed reactions to say the least. Some people loved it, but equally some people were horrified and said ‘ You can’t call your business that.’ They weren’t being mean; they were actually some of the people who love me the most and wanted to stop me from making what they feared could be a terrible career mistake. Their thinking was that, as a coach, I was supposed to be helping people fulfil their potential to achieve great, unlimited things so I couldn’t possibly have the word ‘Little’ in the title. And they had a point!

Often the changes we hope for and dream about for our lives, both personally and professionally, are actually NOT little but really big, significant and hugely important things. And personally, I think that’s a really great thing. As a coach one of my main jobs is to help people overcome limiting thoughts and beliefs that hold them back from even thinking that achieving their dreams and ambitions is possible.

But the problem with big is that it can seem really, really overwhelming! The size and scope of the changes that we perceive as needed can leave us thinking how can I possibly get from where I am now to where I want to go? And when things seem overwhelming, they can become paralysing! And that’s why I’m so passionate about the power and impact of a little.

In reality, few great things are ever achieved in one great leap. No matter who you are, the distance from here to there is actually most effectively covered one little step, minute and hour at a time.

It so easy in our fast paced ‘instant’ world to look at others and simply see or hear a highlight reel of achievements on their path to success and contentment. I once heard a pastor refer to a story told with the benefit of hindsight as a ‘time hop testimony’ and the phrase has always stuck with me.

Because once something is actually done it takes seconds for someone to cover off years of their story and whilst those stories of inspiration and courage are great they can often miss out the fine detail. If you take any example of a person who you look up to or who you admire and look at how they become who are they are or got to where they are, the ‘how’ breaks down into hundreds of little moments, little steps, little insights, little changes, and little actions which cumulatively brought about big change. And it has to be that way because you can only ever have 24 hours in your day and you are always going to need sleep and need rest and food. And that’s why, no matter how big your ambition, your dream or even your obstacle your attitude to a little can make a massive difference.


A little is the difference between here and there, a little is powerful and a little grows.

A little is the bridge that connects your hopes and dreams to your reality, it is the steps on the path way to your destiny.

And a little is not just important as a means to an end, a little can and should be an end in itself. How often has a little smile, a little bit of fresh air or a little laughter made all the difference to an otherwise ordinary day? A little gives you the power to enjoy the now instead of waiting for the when.

If we asked the question what do I need a little bit of today and allowed ourselves to have or access that thing what difference might that make to our quality of life? A little compassion, a little rest or even a little self-discipline?

And what might change if rather than allowing ourselves to be feel helpless in the face of a world full of huge need we thought about what little we could give each day? A little patience, a little warmth, a little time perhaps?

Sometimes it’s just a little bit of something, a little insight, a little conversation a little reflection that shines a light on something fresh and that bit of light illuminates your path or someone else’s just enough to move a few little steps forward!

So today thinking of your personal life, your business or your team I invite you to ask yourself the following questions four questions.

What do I have a little of?

What do I need a little of?

What can I do a little of?

What can I give a little of?

And from those answers is there a little step you feel ready and able to take today?

Feel free to pick from the list below for a little inspiration or simply use your own! And if you feel a little coaching might be what you need then please do get in touch and ask me any questions or book a free discovery call.

A little TIME, a little TRUST, a little ENERGY, a little WALK, a little AWE, a little INSPIRATION, a little INSIGHT, a little SELF-CARE, a little COMPASSION, a little TIME TO BREATHE, a little SMILE, a little LAUGHTER, a little DANCE, a little CONFIDENCE, a little HUMILITY, a little SOFTNESS, a little HUG, a little TOUCH, a little REST, a little SWIM, a little CHANGE, a little STRETCH, a little VOICE, a little SING, a little PRAISE, a little GRATITUDE, a little COURAGE, a little HONESTY, a little LOVE, a little COMMUNITY, a little BREAK, a little BONDING, a little PEACE, a little MERCY, a little EMPATHY, a little SNACK, a little VEG, a little WATER, a little WASH, a little MOISTURISER, a little DRIVE, a little CUDDLE, a little KISS, a little WANDER, a little WONDER, a little CURIOSITY, a little THINKING, a little GENEROSITY, a little DREAM, a little DAY DREAMING, a little SLEEP, a little ACTION, a little RELIEF, a little NATURE, a little PLANTING, a little PLANNING, a little PREPARATION, a little DECISIVENESS, a little FLEXIBILITY, a little MOVEMENT, a little PROJECT, a little ADVENTURE, a little CONTENTMENT, a little FRESH AIR, a little WISDOM, a little HOLIDAY, a little TRIP, a little SURPRISE, a little EXCITEMENT, a little FRIVOLITY, a little RESPECT, a little TREAT, a little CNTEMPLATION, a little PRAYER, a little MEDITATION, a little KINDNESS, a little BELONGING, a little FAITH, a little AUTHENTICITY, a little INTEGRITY, a little LOYALTY, a little CONNECTION, a little FUN, a little CHAT, a little GIGGLE, a little JOY, a little DISCOMFORT, a little PUSH, a little CHALLENGE, a little FEAR, a little BRAVERY, a little STEADINESS, a little CHAOS, a little ROUTINE, a little MUSING, a little INTEREST, a little CLEAN, a little TIDY, a little GIFT, a little WISH, a little FUSS, a little GROWTH, a little VULNERABILITY, a little ROOM, a little SPACE, a little BOUNDARY, a little HONOUR, a little CLOSENESS, a little PATIENCE, a little HARMONY, a little PERSEVERANCE, a little PERSPECTIVE, a little ENCOURAGEMENT, a little DISCIPLINE, a little GRACE, a little LEARNING, a little PRESSURE, a little ANTICIPATION, a little CONVERSATION, a little KNOWLEDGE, a little TRAINING, a little SOWING, a little REAPING, a little FLOWING, a little BALANCE, a little CALM, a little TRANQUILITY, a little ACCEPTANCE, a little RESET, a little HAPPINESS, a little CREATIVITY, a little HOPE.



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